There are many good reasons to should consider a will or estate plan. In fact, if you do not have a valid will or estate plan in place at death, state laws - and not you - determine the disposition of your assets. When you make your will or estate plan, it only takes a sentence or two by your attorney to leave a gift for St. John’s Church or Catholic School.
Naming the Church or School as the beneficiary of a retirement account, life insurance policy, or bank or investment account is even easier. Simply contact your account manager and they can help you complete a new beneficiary designation form to include St. John’s.
We invite you to prayerfully consider an ‘Eternal Tithe.’ In biblical times, a tithe was an offering or temple sacrifice of 10% (the first fruits) from the produce of your labor. Similarly, an ‘Eternal Tithe’ is a final offering to the Church of 10% or more from your lifetime accumulated assets.
The resources below can help you begin your estate planning journey. Since everyone has different circumstances, we recommend you consult with your attorney and other professional advisors for legal, financial and tax or other specific advice for your situation.
Please consider including St. John’s Church and School in your final will or other estate plans!